Q:What is the total cost of 1 year ED Visa?

■For ED visa tuition 38,900baht →34,500 baht ,

※The extension of visa costs 1900 baht paid to Thai immigration office for every 3 months.
Q:Where can I apply for the Student Visa?

You can apply for the visa in any Thai embassy or consulate.
The following countries neighboring Thailand
・Cambodia(Phnom Penh)
・Laos (Vientiane)
・Myanmar (Yangoon) 
・Malaysia (Kuala Lampur)

Q:Can all nationalities apply and receive the education visa?

Yes, all nationalities qualify. The Ministry of Education does not make any distinction among the students coming from different countries.
※Note ; the people of the following nationalities : Bangladesh, China, India, Iran, Sri-lanka and Middle Eastern countries have to apply for it in their country

Q: What kind of documents do I need?

- Application from of the school
- 2 copies of every stamp page of your passport
- 12 recently passport photos( 3*4 cm)

Q:What are the processes to get Thai Ed visa?

- Enroll in 210 lessons for Thai language course
- We apply for The Ministry of Education requesting for 1 year education visa ( this process take The Ministry of Education between 3-4 weeks )
- Once we receive the letter from The Ministry of Education, you can apply for a year for Non-immigrant Ed visa from the Thai consulate or Thai Embassy outside Thailand by using this letter
- When you return with your visa, we apply for a final letter from The Ministry of Education certifying your enrollment
- With this letter you can apply for 90 days extension at Thai Immigration office for the during of a course

Q:Do you guarantee that I will receive this 1 year non-immigrant ED visa?

A:Yes, we do. We are applying for this kind of visa for our students on a regular basis, thus we have a lot of experience. Our school is recognized by the Thai Ministry of Education as providing education to international students and promoting Thai language and culture.
We can also help with obtaining this visa for people who are not in Thailand at present but who wish to come to Thailand in order to learn Thai, we can send all the paperwork to your country. Contact us for more information Do you have any age restrictions?
Students of all ages between 16-95 qualify to study at our school.



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